With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season here, Dr. Jedidiah Gass and our entire staff at Gass Orthodontics wanted to stop for a moment and extend our best wishes to you, our patients, referring doctors and families, this holiday season. As always, if you know anyone we can help, just let us know. We promise to give them the …
At Gass Orthodontics, October means National Orthodontic Health Month!
Happy October! For those who don’t know, National Orthodontic Health Month. This month-long event is organized by our pals at the American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO. Dr. Jedidiah R. Gass and our team realize this is a great opportunity for us and to raise awareness about the importance of oral hygiene. National Orthodontic Health Month also aims to recognize …
Welcome to Our Blog!
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Gass Orthodontics blog. Please check back often for weekly updates on fun and exciting events happening at our office, important and interesting information about orthodontics and the dental industry, and the latest news about our practice. Feel free to leave a comment or question for our doctor and staff – we …